Web accessibility indicates the ability to access the web and its content by the largest number of people regardless of their browsing context or user disability.
By browsing context, we understand devices, browsers, Internet connection speed, peripherals, browser or equipment configuration, environmental conditions, etc. While with disability we refer to visual, hearing, motor or cognitive deficiencies
Declaration of Commitment
The “www.norgestion.com” website is firmly committed to the accessibility of its website and wants its contents to reach the greatest number of users, regardless of their disability status. To do this, it uses standard technologies established by the W3C And follow the WAI 1.0 Accessibility Guidelines. The use of web standards established by the W3C, such as XHTML 1.0 Transitional for valid semantic markup and cascading style sheets (CSS) for design, make it possible to correctly view the website on different devices and platforms in addition to properly printing its content. If you have any questions, suggestions or problems regarding the accessibility of this website, please contact us via this email: norgestion@norgestion.com
Compliance icons
The NORGESTION website meets the following points:
Compliance with Level “AA” of W3C WCAG 1.0
Declare that it complies with the Accessibility Guidelines for Web Content 1.0 with the Double-A level. Its link leads to the explanation of the levels of accessibility and use of its icons.
It declares that the XHTML version 1.0 Strict language has been used correctly and its syntax conforms to the grammar of that language. Your link leads to the W3C validator.
Declare that the syntax of the style sheets used is correct. Your link leads to the W3C cascading style sheet validator.
Navigation help
Variable font size
In the design of the pages of this website, relative units have been used, such as the size of the texts. The pages are displayed correctly in any resolution and the user can vary the size of the text if this option is available.
Website map
The user can find an index of pages on the website through the website map.
Navigation route
The user will always know what section/subsection they are in thanks to the navigation path that can be found at the top of the page.